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Sweaty palms, sweaty palms

 How to manage or what do we do for excessive sweating? (Commonly known in American language, is hyperhidrosis) Firstly the important thing to know is that it is primary hyperhidrosis which means that there is no identifiable cause.

When we talk about secondary causes, it could be something as simple as having your thyroid dysfunction ruled out or something as simple as having the doctor look for any causes like diabetes and so these are the treatable correctable causes of hyperhidrosis but for others it could be a primary hyperhidrosis in which case there is no reason. These person just sweats regardless of the climate or regardless of how they're feeling this wait just happens so this is this can be very debilitating for some of us.

It can make something as simple as a handshake- a big ordeal and somebody who's had to battle with hyperhidrosis ever since my adolescence. All I've had a special interest in looking up for treatments and what can be done. For it now in medicine, we have a few condition a few treatment options where you can try and tackle the hyperhidrosis it's something that can actually clog your sweat pose.

 These are the antiperspirant some of them are medical grade antiquus virus and they actually help some but in others the quantum of sweating may be too much to handle. In this case we look for more appropriate options one thing that's very useful is bottling and toxin. We actually use the working them toxin to inactivate the sweat gland secretion.

 This result can last anywhere for about six to 12 months sometimes even longer and this is like a recommended treatment for anybody with hyperhidrosis of the palms soles underarms and pretty much any are of the body just have to use it carefully depending upon where you use it. There are newer treatments which have come in like- the micro needling, radio frequency treatment which actually inactivates the sweat glands by destroying them physically.

The energy is delivered directly around the sweat gland area and the sweat glands get destroyed. You might need a few more treatments with the micro needling RF. We use them once monthly for about six to eight sessions before we see a good durable decrease in sweat reduction but there is also permanent as compared to about line where you have to just repeat the treatments once every say 9 to 12 months or even you can even stretch it longer depending upon how the results work out for you but the results are not the same.

 Some people respond to option a better as compared to option B and there are newer treatments coming in you know treatments being cleared by the FDA as well so compared to before. Nobody needs to stay silent about this, you can seek help from your dermatologist and that's very important to know that there is there are options.

Sweating or perspiration is the production of fluid which consists primarily of water as well as various dissolved salts.  The chief salt is chloride which is excreted by the sweat glands in the skin of mammals. The human body has to Lou five million sweat glands. Sweating is considered as a very vital function performed by the human body allowing us to control our body temperature and keeping it within the normal range. We all sweat as a normal response to different forms of stress, this could be eat exercise or even emotional stress.

 Hyperhidrosis is the excessive sweating produced by the body that is non physiological and disproportionate to that required for the regulation of body heat. Hyperhidrosis can be of two types- it could be generalized where excessive sweating occurs all over the body or it could be localized to a few particular areas.

 The commonly affected areas in this group of patients are the palms of the hands the armpits the soles of the feet, the face etc. Excessive sweating could be primary when it occurs due to unexplained or unknown causes localized sweating. For example from the pounds are usually due to primary or alone causes excessive sweating and also be secondary to other medical conditions like neurological diseases in the crying disorders, metabolic dysfunctions, infections, certain malignancies or due to the effect of drugs and toxins.

 Primary Armagh hyperhidrosis is a medical condition which is commonly referred to as sweaty palms. It is characterized by the excessive sweating from the palms it may seldomly mind but more often than not patients would have their hands dripping with sweat it may be associated with excessive sweating from the soles of the feet or the armpits sweaty palms affects both sexes all races and often has a family predisposition.

 Sweaty palms usually begins in childhood, the graduating progresses during the teens and adulthood the peak age of onset is 15 to 25 years. But we often find younger children distressed by not being able to write their exams because of their dripping hands sweaty palms is a common problem that affects people all over the globe the incidence is about 1% in the Western world in the Far East. It’s up to the tune of 2 to 4 percent in India it is estimated to affect about 1 to 2 percent of the population regardless of which part is effective excessive sweating is a nuisance to those who suffer from it of these sweaty bumps is the most incapacitating.

 There are significant emotional and physical disabilities from its nuisance patients are not only uncomfortable but often socially and professionally embarrassed. It can affect common day-to-day activities like shaking hands, writing, play musical instruments, handling paper, painting, using electronics computers, mobile phones etc. It can be very distressing to the patients affected by surgery first very pounds is full standard of treatment all over the world. It involves keyhole or minimal access surgery and only 24 hours of hospitalization.

 The sympathetic chain is a bundle of nerve fibers that runs from the base of the skull up to the tailbone in the chest. It runs in the back along the ribs our activity of the sympathetic system causes sweaty palms surgery targets blockade of the sympathetic chain this minimally accessed procedure to block the sympathetic chain is called end of thoracic sympathectomy.

It implies the use of tiny keyhole incisions to gain access to the sympathetic chain deep within the chest cavity. This procedure is carried out under general anesthesia a few basic tests may be carried out before admission to ensure safety of the procedure patients are up and about soon after the surgery and a kept overnight in the hospital for observation patients are discharged the following morning on a few pain medications and ask the follow-up after a week.

Endure thoracic sympathectomy as immediate results and is a well accepted procedure for sweaty palms the effects are permanent more than 90 percent of patients with minimal or no morbidity patients are usually happy with this procedure because there is a very drastic improvement in the quality of life after surgery. 

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