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MiraDry- the sweat stops here | What is MiraDry? | MiraDry- the best solution!

Miradry , underarm sweating excessive

MiraDry is a treatment which can help you to get free from a lifetime of bothersome sweat coming from your underarms. The treatment is done in the comfort of your doctor's office, only taking about one hour to press numb and treat your underarms. After your underarm has been numbed and is ready to be treated, the handpiece will be placed directly on your skin. Next the handpiece is activated you will feel a slight suction as your skin and glands are brought closer to the surface for maximum results. Finally the proprietary mirror wave energy is delivered heating and destroying the sweat and odor glands. All the while cooling is applied to protect your skin and keep you comfortable during treatments. Once the glands are destroyed, they don't grow back so that means your results are permanent and lasts forever near address.

The MiraDry procedure on some patient shyly and we wanted to go over what MiraDry is and tell you about some of the really awesome benefits we can have to people that do receive procedure.

MiraDry is a non-invasive procedure that uses thermal energy to permanently eliminate underarm order sweat and hair. So we're actually going to switch over and there is an interview about the patient who's receiving the treatment right now to give you kind of an insider look and get opinions on it.

Q-How is it feeling right now they're performing it on you as we're kind of talking is it painful so on a scale of one to ten one being no discomfort at all how would you rate the treatment?

A- I would say one it's fully comfortable.

Q-What made you decide to get the miraDry treatment?

A- Ever since I was little even in late fourth grade, I always had a sweating issue. I would just sit even in the winter and start sweating and in Junior High School. Everyone always wear a sweater so that way I would cover up most of the sweat and I would always have to wear like flags.

Q-There were any other colors what are you most looking forward to about hobby determined them not sweaty?

A- That's a big one and I can feel free to wear the colors that I want to wear because when I would shop I'd see a cute pink shirt and I couldn't get it because I knew that I would just like it would be any time I went out or even just sitting here to work, I couldn't lift my arms up because it would show or I was afraid of smell and I didn't want to smell at work. I would avoid people and getting close to them. 

Now the esthetician who's helping perform this procedure, she's going to answer some of the frequently asked questions with mirrors right so

Q-Do patients typically get to go back to work the day after how does it work?

A- Typically we recommend about a 24 hour vesting period after you have the procedure and then can resume normal activity after got the seven days but fine to return back to work we just seem
to phasing her that first week after awesome genetic way physical activity like we did the gym. Going to the gym is fine but not a lot of physical activity. we'll have some swelling for about the first 72 hours and we recommend patients ice and take some over-the-counter Advil or Tylenol for any discomfort awesome.

Q-Are there any side effects that the treatment has mostly?

A-Just a risk of inflammation so if you're not sweating in your armpits I mean you spent more on their places this is not that's commonly asked questions. It's mostly patients that have hyperhidrosis.  It's compensatory sweating where it's not because they're physically active it's a stress response. It does not mean you sweat in other places and it is safe it's healthy your body will compensate in other areas.

MiraDry is a new technology that permanently eliminates underarm sweating and odor totally, eliminating the need for deodorant ever again. So not only is MiraDry for excessive sweating people that are really afflicted and bothered on a daily basis with my underarm sweat. It really is a thing that anybody can gain from whether you're afraid of the chemicals that are inside of deodorants and you really just want to go all natural and never have to worry about it again. MiraDry is for you whether you're going to a business meeting or a club or on a date and you have underarm sweating that's unattractive or that you're feeling a little self-conscious about MiraDry for you - it is a one-time procedure for eighty percent of people that have it done. It is completely non-invasive and it's actually the only FDA clear product on the market that is completely non-invasive. The whole procedure takes about an hour and it's very affordable and I'm really excited to share with you when you come into the office we're going to tell you all about the risks and the benefits of MiraDry the risks are very rare and very minimal.

They're going to numb the area they will do that in a very comfortable way for you as well going to put a little treatment tattoo which is kind of like those fake tattoos you put under kids. It will be put that under underarms to guide the treatment and then you'll just be numb and you'll be relaxing with your arm up behind your head. They will apply the MiraDry applicator which is sort of like a little suction cup that applies microwave energy which attacks any gland in your underarm that contains water which is basically your sweat and odor glands. So with one treatment 80% of them are permanently gone and that's usually enough.  People never have to wear deodorant ever again. If you do need a second treatment we're happy to provide that for you as well and we usually do that around three months.

 A common question that I get about MiraDry, is it safe so the way I like to think about it is you know when you heat up your food in a microwave, if you have to put a little bit of water in it and that's because microwaves only attack water. So the only thing in your armpit that has water in it is your sweat and odor glands so you don't have to worry about it affecting your nerves or your lymph nodes or anything else. Only 2% of your sweat glands are actually in your underarms you still have all the other 98% to pull you down while the other 98% aren't as socially effecting as underarm sweat is. We don't really need to go attacking all of those but certainly if we get rid of the underarm sweat you'll be much more comfortable in social situations never having to worry about odor or sweating on your clothes and people noticing that so just to recap MiraDry. Here it is an amazing treatment for the permanent elimination of sweat and odor glands and we're glad to introduce it to you

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